Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nothing much for today, again, I performed the same daily routine in my office for the whole day… I’ve been working overtime every day since last week, fatigue is now no more a stranger to me… Just like other normal days, I walked to the LRT station with my exhausted body after work… Took the train and boarded on my mum’s car to go back home… Then, on my way home, I saw something interesting…

Proton Vios? How pathetic! Opps, I meant how ‘patriotic’… Couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw it, I thought people buy imported cars because they don’t support local goods… Anyway, credits given to this ‘proton vios’ driver for being such a patriotic citizen… Salute him… Malaysia definitely needs more citizens like this, let us take him as our model, and start loving our country more… cause,

MALAYSIA BOLEH!!! (boleh ke?)